Sunday, January 11, 2009

Clearing the Confusion.

So I wrote, mild bike collison, and then this web site. Really I had no intention of writing anything about this collision on here, but I guess I should. Tonight I finished work. It was a good night, I met the girls at Buddha bar, then we headed to lala lounge for some dance. We pretty much skipped the line, then found out it was $15 cover. No dice we said. We left, ran into some guys on the street and after laur told them what a great dancer she was they wanted to pay our cover to get us in, also they wanted to skip the line. Somehow I explained to the bouncer that we needed to skip the line a second time. We climbed the stairs, he paid for us, bought us a drink, told us to have a good night and took off. Amazing. Only moments pass and some guy is chatting telling us about his Canadian girlfriend and how wicked we are and sets us up with a $200 bar tab. WHAT!? So we proceed to have some drinks and dance our little faces off. When its finally time to head home Laur and I make it as far as the bike path and it the middle of a chat swerve our bikes into each other. We both fall, our bikes hit the ground, granted we weren't travelling more than 2 km per hour, it was slow and inconsequential. Even so it was the first bike crash of the season.  

Here are some photos of my old house in Byron. "The Green House". We lived here for a couple months and moved out not because it wasn't awesome but because it was a 20 min scary highway bike ride to the beach and had mosquito's like you couldn't even imagine. Best house for a party you could ever think of. 

Now we live close to town, we have a bike path, we also live with a 5 year old, but the rent is too cheap to even discuss.













1 comment:

LIZCORE said...

I liked your account of the evening's events so much that I put a link to it in my blog! You forgot to mention that bar tab buddy went from having a Canadian girlfriend, to a fiancee to not having a girlfriend at all, to being in love with Laurie. haha good times.