Thursday, January 8, 2009

Swing on down, Donovan in Byron.

Laurie and I sucked it up hard and shelled out the $47 dollars to see Donovan at the Beachie last night. This was particularly difficult because 1. the Beachie is a normally a free venue 2. Donovan tickets have only ever cost me $0 before and 3.  probably the most important one, I technically don't have any money, in fact I technically have less than no money.

Simply Donovan had to deliver. Being laid back beachie Jack Johnson style music theres only a certain level of rocking out that can happen but some unexpected solos, some wild audience sing-alongs and some very sweaty dancing made the whole show come together. I also experienced the friendliest audience ever, who insisted that laur and I move right up to the front of the stage to take some photos. Wicked. Australia has completely redeemed its concert going reputation that was slightly tarnished after the Xavier Rudd show.
As an aside, my face has almost completely healed, a good surf session cleared the scabs and left me looking 99% very happy. It was also one of the best sessions of my life, the waves were so glassy I could see right through the face of them to the ocean floor flying by me. Aaaamazing, days later I'm still feeling high from it.







Did I mention its become balls hot here.....sweatiest guitar ever....



Early that day at Watego's beautiful long board day, not to be confused with my spectac session earlier in the week....




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