Thursday, March 13, 2008

Its January and we're surfing on Lake Ontario


I use the title term "we're" lightly. I spent maybe 45 minutes in the water this time. This was nothing compared to the time many of the others spent. I heard times of over 4 hours. My little 4:3 wetsuit with detached hood was just not sufficient gear to keep warm. The air temperature alone hovering around zero. I was awesome, may I repeat, SO awesome to see so many guys out in the water in January. The crowd peaking at 12 riders. 

There really is nothing like that first splash of cold water in your face, expect for maybe the second, third and forth. Just getting my body in motion and reaching the line up felt like an accomplishment. For me it was just a couple kinda, o.k., decent waves and I was done. I was super stoked to me in the water but I could feel my body going Walt Disney (you know frozen? bad joke? too soon?) way to quickly. 

Afterwards a water-cooler of hot water down the wetsuit was just the trick to bring my body, more urgently my hands back from the brink.

There is a crew out shredding Lake Ontario and the rest of the Great Lakes every possible day, I'm so proud but kinda jealous until I can get back out there to. The bottom-line is I was and am so happy every time I get out, the proper winter suit fund has been spent on a ticket to Costa Rica and spring is just around the corner.







Anonymous said...

Wow, that is probably the coolest thing you could possibly do on Lake Ontario! Let alone in Jan!
Rock on.

Kadu said...

Hi Diva!
I would like to invite you to came to Wavetoon!