Friday, July 4, 2008

Enlightened-Sports Photography Exhibition July 2-30 @ Steamwhistle Brewery


Its sports photography, skate,surf,wake,climbing photography. After careful selection from well known and amateur photographers including, Dano Pendygrasse (photo editor of Future Snowboarding Magazine) , Jeremy Koreski (photo editor of SBC Surf) and Ryan Allan (local skateboard photographer). Selected photos have been displayed in 2'x3' light boxes along the walls of the Steam Whistle Brewery. The light boxes provide an awesome viewing experience by enhancing colours and contrast making impressive captures that much more dramatic.


Prints of each of the photographs are available for reasonable varying prices and the full light box set ups going for around 500 dollars. 

This is the second year running and already the show has gathered a media buzz around it offering cash prizes to top photos and gaining sponsership from the surf giant Quiksilver among others. 

The work is impressive, the admission is free, flip-flops or skate shoes are totally acceptable foot wear and its located downtown in a brewery. Totally worth popping in and taking a look before the month is out. 


As an added bonus, surf inspired art work by Great Lake Native turned Hawaii local Christie Shinn is also on display.

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