Tuesday, April 8, 2008

YAY, fun times in the 7mm

Photobucket Finally got to go out in the new suit. So happy. I was toasty warm all evening. Mind you my limbs were tired and sore from maneuvering it and getting the hood on seriously took me back to my birth, but by the end of the night it was feeling much more worked in than the beginning. 

Waist high waves, shining sun, and a three person line up who could ask for more. I didn't take any photos, my whole effort surrounded getting into my new suit and then taking advantage of it. 

Granted it wasn't the best of the best conditions but it was very fun, a new spot to me at Abay and some good people. There is something so great about being able to walk to the line up. 
Oh and did I mention Costa Rica is a mere nine days away!

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