Friday, April 11, 2008

An inspired musical daydream of a tour a.k.a. Matty Powell is back in town!

PhotobucketFirst of all, April 11th @ Mitzi's Sister and April 23rd @ The Troubador, those are the only Toronto dates left of the tour.  You must go.

Matty Powell left Toronto for Saskatoon to be wed, have babies and make music. He triumphed with all three. With his four part band Matty has travelled by Train playing music remincent of Dave Matthews, Train Track Folk songs and East Coast vibes every chance they get.
The Quartet consisting of Matty Powel on guitar and vocal; Gillian Snider on Accordian and vocal; Ryan Spracken on fiddel (go suzuki method) and Joey Laurer on Banjo and vocals. Named "The Great Train Reverie" (Merriam-Webster: 1. Daydream 2. The condition of being lost in thought) the quartet is playing not only bars but house parties and food cars on trains. They are making their way to Halifax and playing again in Toronto before heading home.  
Including coverage by the CBC you can check out the band at, adding them to myspace ( or joining the facebook group "The Great Train Reverie".
Other dates include Montreal, Charlettetown, Mocton, Liverpool, Halifax, Wakefield and Ottawa between now and April 22nd. 
-"Train Travel Fact:A train uses up to 70% less energy and causes up to 85% less air pollution when compared to a jet aircraft."

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