Thursday, April 17, 2008

All Aboard for Costa Rica!

The count down is over. After work tonight I will be grabbing my bags and heading to the airport. One surf board, clean and ready for some warm water wax, my trusty old Dakine Bag (9 years old and counting) and myself. I can't wait. Things are a little up in the air still but we have the important hookups and will be on a beach in Costa Rica by late afternoon. Everything lands in its right place. 

Until my return. 


Friday, April 11, 2008

An inspired musical daydream of a tour a.k.a. Matty Powell is back in town!

PhotobucketFirst of all, April 11th @ Mitzi's Sister and April 23rd @ The Troubador, those are the only Toronto dates left of the tour.  You must go.

Matty Powell left Toronto for Saskatoon to be wed, have babies and make music. He triumphed with all three. With his four part band Matty has travelled by Train playing music remincent of Dave Matthews, Train Track Folk songs and East Coast vibes every chance they get.
The Quartet consisting of Matty Powel on guitar and vocal; Gillian Snider on Accordian and vocal; Ryan Spracken on fiddel (go suzuki method) and Joey Laurer on Banjo and vocals. Named "The Great Train Reverie" (Merriam-Webster: 1. Daydream 2. The condition of being lost in thought) the quartet is playing not only bars but house parties and food cars on trains. They are making their way to Halifax and playing again in Toronto before heading home.  
Including coverage by the CBC you can check out the band at, adding them to myspace ( or joining the facebook group "The Great Train Reverie".
Other dates include Montreal, Charlettetown, Mocton, Liverpool, Halifax, Wakefield and Ottawa between now and April 22nd. 
-"Train Travel Fact:A train uses up to 70% less energy and causes up to 85% less air pollution when compared to a jet aircraft."

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

YAY, fun times in the 7mm

Photobucket Finally got to go out in the new suit. So happy. I was toasty warm all evening. Mind you my limbs were tired and sore from maneuvering it and getting the hood on seriously took me back to my birth, but by the end of the night it was feeling much more worked in than the beginning. 

Waist high waves, shining sun, and a three person line up who could ask for more. I didn't take any photos, my whole effort surrounded getting into my new suit and then taking advantage of it. 

Granted it wasn't the best of the best conditions but it was very fun, a new spot to me at Abay and some good people. There is something so great about being able to walk to the line up. 
Oh and did I mention Costa Rica is a mere nine days away!

Its the First Monday of the Month!

So the east wind has been blowing all night, and everybody seems to be saying there are no waves anywhere. Its a sad day. I dreamt about surf all last night. 

All is not lost however. This first monday of April also happens to be like the first monday of the past 2 months and "Sit on it" is on!

Sit on it is a live sitcom based around a group of people working in the office of an internet porn site. Think SCTV but in 2008. Very silly, but well scripted, well cast and really well lit I might add. Hilarity ensues. 

To keep you current, last month the cast was exposed to Two girls one cup and struggled with bring your kids to work day, scratch that, make it bring kid to work day.

Catch the show tonight at 8 sharp, the first street south of King at Bathhurst right behind the Banknote, the first alley on the left and then the last door. It sounds sketchy I know but it really isn't. Just make sure you skip past the opium den and brothel , or not?

Cover is pay what you can, probably 5 dollars and refreshments are served at a super reasonable price. Although there is lots of seating it fills up pretty fast so get there early to get a seat, there isn't a bad seat in the house, but there are definitely better seats. Hope to see you there.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Drift Magazine

A print magazine has finally been released to complement The fellas at Drift sent me some shots of thier new mag. It looks pretty sick with lots of big photo spreads to tack to your bathroom walls. Not unlike those who surf the lakes it takes a certain level of passion and insanity to be a surfer in the UK.  Worth a checking out.


