Monday, December 22, 2008

So much to say...

So I've fallen behind with the old blog, but I've also been busy! Out and about in town, up the coast, concerts, Elliot came to visit and then I went to visit him in Perth, its been happy times all round. I've decided to start tossing up random pictures and stories in no particular order to keep those interested informed. 

Like this.

During my first weeks in the Green House I got bit by a bug in my sleep. Right on the back of my thigh. The bit puffed up to monster proportions and after consulting with a few lifts I hitched into town with I went to the doctor. He didn't know what it was but looked at it very thoughtfully with a microscope and answered my 'am I going to die' with a definite 'no, you would have already if that were the case'. I was sent home to ice it and rub it with lavender oil (a magic itch remedy). This monster bite had gotten so hot by this point that the ice pack didn't even make my leg feel cold, it just melted on the spot for the first day of treatment. I was worried but persisted and eventually the swell went down, the heat receded and I managed to keep my leg.


.. the bite, notice the outer and inner circles. yowza. bugs love me.

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