Wednesday, October 8, 2008

South of Kalgoorlie....

               Arriving to the coast just south of Kalgoorlie it was all small town, cows, the odd kangaroo and epic empty beaches. In mid August the south west of Australia certainly isn't hot but I'm told that the lack of people can only be partially attributed to the winter temperatures. Life is just quieter here compared to the bustling east coast. I'm not complaining. Its pure beauty and magic walking along beach after beach of pure white super fine sand while watching perfect emerald green waves crash set after set with only the company of my mom and little brother as far as the eye can see. Its pretty cool I have to say and totally worth wearing a hoodie and jeans for.  Disregarding the temperature we (actually my mom) were unable to resist the call of the water and did manage a swim that was all in all much more pleasant than the few Canadian spring polar dips I've experienced. Its all westward from here to Margaret River......

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1 comment:

LIZCORE said...

um, holy shit. Those pictures really did it for me... I don't want to wait another 3 weeks!!!!!