Monday, August 18, 2008

W.A. ! what! what!

Three flights and about 30 hours later I’ve seen the ocean, eaten an apple and am waiting on what will be my bed for the next couple nights listening to Ben Folds and waiting for my turn to take a much needed shower.

We are outside of Perth, in a beachy suburb called Cottesloe, it’s a small place but next to the one small grocery store there is a Louloulemon so we aren’t talking untouched by any means. I’m pretty excited, waves look good, there is surf to the South and the North of me. To top it off our hostel, Ocean View (named because it does in fact view the ocean) seems to have Michael Franti and Jack Johnson albums on constant loops, I love it.

Margaret River and all the legendary surf spots that surround it are so close I can feel the vibes pulsing up the coast line, however I’ll have to wait a few more days to see this energy in person when we take a road trip inland, then south and back up along the coast.

The atmosphere here is so obviously relaxed, the air is wet and smells like salt (a welcome relief as my nose had been suffering its first and longest nose bleed since I was 5 from breathing so much dry plane air), I’ve seen 3 people plodding along in bare feet (even in the grocery store), everyone says “HI” (or maybe I’m just really excited and say hi to everyone and they can’t refuse a return hello).

The temperature, probably my biggest stress thinking about this trip, is a balmy 21 degrees with a light cool breeze. Our couple hour stop over in Brisbane worried me, it was freezing…15 degrees with no sun IS freezing (I had jeans and a sweater and socks all scrunched between my toes because I refused to take my flipflops off). I feared arriving in Perth, even further north, on the beach because we were in Australia but wearing all our clothes and still freezing our asses off.

Its my turn to shower and eat some food (with a 12 hour time difference its breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast?). Then probably try and get a good night sleep I’m so confused by the traveling and constant changing time I don’t know what I’ve eaten or how much I’ve slept, I just know its now 2 days from when we started this crazy journey. I’m just really excited for some surf action in the very near future!

P.s. If you know whats good for you check out the Mick Fanning video Lighting Strikes. Its all about his world title win. I watched on the flight over here. His very first ride gasp! it was so awesome.

A few photos taken so faa...


Hey-sus! The landscape from above is stunning and sometimes scarey, you can pretty much see the dream lines flying across the country, this is my only one but my bro got some great pics as I lost my window seat on the charge that I was "squandering it".

Brrrrr Brisbane airport, its as cold as it looks.

The good stuff starts....



1 comment:

utopia resin scientists said...

lucky you
grab a nice lefthander for me...
and template anyold boards you find
enjoy the prisoners land