Saturday, April 18, 2009

Happy Days!

So far life has been good to us on the East Coast of Australia. We've moved around alot but now have a 6 month lease on a wicked little house just down the street from friends, we have a yellow 1978 volvo, The surf is just getting better, and the fun is never ending. I'm currently nursing a cold after spending the past weekend living it up at BluesFest, rated the number 5 festival in Australia, it was an amazing amount of fun. Laurie and I volunteered for the entire 5 days and not only scored free tickets but the most incredible volunteer job ever. Our job for 5 hours each day was to hang in the media tent and take the photographers to the front of the stages for thier 3 song photo taking opportunity. So not only did we get to run around backstage running into the likes of xavier rudd, ben harper and john butler trio to drop just a few names, we also got the best seats in the house for every act at the festival.
There were some classic acts too not just headliners, The Specials, Easystar All stars and Alpha Blondy kicked the last nights rainy rainy ass. When I say rain I mean tropical downpours, mud past your ankles for the whole weekend, but really whats a festival without a little mud.
Photos of all this are in the works, in the mean time we are moving into our new home and working very hard on a new project, its going to be a sweet as internet magazine and the first issue is almost ready to go! In the meantime we set up a blog where we can purge our mind of sillyness and the like
Please check it out and if you have anything awesome you'd like to contribute let us know!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


again....what?? do you have a 'kitler'? I'm speechless.