Friday, March 27, 2009


Way back when I posted a video of some unreleased footage from Spike Jone's 'Where the Wild things are". It looked awesome but the last I heard the screenings had sent kids crying out of the theater and he was possibly going to be fired and the project started again.

I'd actually been thinking about it lately wondering what was going to happen with the movie, and about how much I hoped it was still in production when my new hero Kenton posted a full trailer for the film. Full Body GooseBumps. I can't wait.

This is almost as exciting as that time I saw Jack Johnson in the water and Dave Rastovich helped me get the best wave of my life. (That was yesterday.)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Movie Magic

Pre going to Melbourne for a weekend of fun in the cold, I had some time on my hands. So I made this movie in devotion to my some of my favorite Australians. Enjoy.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


SOoo before we saw the girls surf round three Laur and I made a previous attempt to see some comp.
Sadly it was day off, but luckly us there was still some swell and offshore wind and sunny days. We hopped in the water and spent the whole day surfing. Noone told us that we would be surfing with the top girls and boys of the world including the man himself kelly slater.
We took notes, laur almost dropped in on coco ho, I'm pretty sure I called a wave that steph gilmore was going to take, It was amazing to say the least.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

C'est la Vie

If I knew they wanted more boring and less awesome I would have put together something completely different.
The video that didn't get me "the best job in the world".....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yoaza!!!!-Roxy Pro Gold Coast Day 10

After Spending a Gold coast Pro lay day up at Snappers surfing with the likes of coco ho, Alana Blanchard and even the man himself Kelly Slater, Laur and I couldn’t resist returning to check out round 3 of the girls a couple days later.
Heres some footage of the wickedness.